
Coach Mike McDonald

Coach Mike McDonald

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(Grade 9-12)
Credit: 0.5 (4.A grading)

Testing in each unit of study is based on written tests, skill tests, projects, and a research paper. Students will study the Community First Aid and Safety program through the American Red Cross. CPR training for an adult, child, and infant is included in the training. Students will be instructed on the ramifications of abusing legal or illegal drugs. Human sexuality, infectious and non-infectious diseases, physical fitness, nutrition, and mental health are also included in this course.

Fitness and Conditioning

(Grade 9-12)
Credit: .25 (PASS/FAIL)

The purpose of this course is to provide the information and activities required to enhance a student’s overall physical abilities as it relates to strength, cardiovascular, and agility. Students will be provided a program to follow which aims to enhance these areas as well as being provided knowledge on proper diet and exercise. Students will be actively engaged in a variety of activities ranging from proper stretching, warm-up, strength training, plyometrics, speed training, and endurance training.

P.E. Girls

(Grade 9-12)
Credit: 0.5 (4.A grading)


P.E. Boys

(Grade 9-12)
Credit: 0.5 (4.A grading)